Archive for March, 2011

March 23: Inflation Pains (1pm); Julia Easterlin (2pm)

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How does inflation affect our pain quotient? Julia Easterlin had a voice that astounded audiences when she was in high school. She’s close to graduating from one of America’s premiere schools of music and joins Carl to discuss her musical journey.

March 24: Across the Country (1pm); TV and Money (2pm)

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Get the local lowdown from across the country. Which shows are striking it rich?

March 25: Heatwaves Are Coming; The Language of the Bible (1pm); Alvin and Barbara Franklin (2pm)

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Do most of the world’s population still consider global warming a farce? How should gender be addressed in the bible? Alvin, Barbara and Carl discussed the role of “leadership” in marriage. Hear what’s next.

March 14: Sister Ellen Francis (1pm); Valuing our Dreams (2pm)

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Sister Ellen Francis, of the St. Helena Convent, shares her experiences in Afghanistan and Iran. Hold onto your dreams!

March 15:CTEA Event (1pm); Earthquakes (1:30); Looking Ahead (2pm)

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Carl shares some conversations he had with students, teachers and parents during the Richmond County School System’s 2nd annual event. Grasping some facts regarding earthquakes. The Lord Jesus is returning. Are we preparing?

March 16: Earl Speights (1pm); Dr. Conrad Woolsey (2pm)

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Earl Speights has truly done a lot to help many young men. Hear his story and the testimony of several who have been impacted by his dedication to serving. Dr. Conrad Woolsey, highly regarded Health and Human Performance Professor and Sports Psychologist, joins Carl to discuss the power of our minds to impact our lives.

March 17: CTEA Event (1pm); Melissa Whitaker (2pm)

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Listen in on more of the discussion with our teens and mentors/teachers. Melissa Whitaker joins Carl again to give more real world tips on financial management.

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