Archive for May 11th, 2011

May 9: Newsorite™ (1pm); A Look at Regulation (2pm)

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Get news from around the world. Let’s take a nonpartisan look at the real pros and cons of regulation.

May 10: A Manufacturing Revival (1pm); Small Business and Benefits (2pm)

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So much manufacturing leaving the country. Can we gain by bringing manufacturing back? All business, regardless of size, needs to be able to retain employees. Carl will focus on how small business can do this.

May 11: How Are We Doing? (1pm); Building A Family Legacy (2pm)

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In asking the question “How Are We Doing?” Carl also asks the question, When A Nation Weeps, Do We Weep “Together”? What are some of the most fundamental building blocks used in building family legacies? Are all legacies good?

May 12: Examining Healthcare Reform (1pm) When A Nation Weeps…Pt 2 (2pm)

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Carl continues to share information regarding healthcare’s reform measures in order to help the listening community make an informed decision on the position each will take on this vital matter. Carl continues the exploration of whether major events, good or bad, bring our nation together.

May 13: Dr. Mallory Millender

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Dr. Mallory Millender shared a riveting account of the significant contributions, achievements and tragedies of Haiti. By special request Carl re-broadcasts that intriguing conversation.

May 2: Teresa Cole

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Meet Ms. Teresa Cole, new  Eastern Regional Library Director. She’ll speak with Carl about this multi-faceted profession and her career.

May 3: Dr. Brenda Hanna-Pladdy (1pm); Healthcare for America (2pm)

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Dr. Brenda Hanna-Pladdy of Emory University speaks with Carl about her research that reveals the benefits of being actively involved with music. What does health reform really offer America?

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