Archive for December 1st, 2014

Dec. 1: Prisons or Schools? Frankie May and Frankie Hogan (1:30); Forgiving Ourselves

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Have you decided whether strong prison systems or strong school systems will benefit the nation’s people more? Frankie May and Frankie Hogan joined me some time ago to discuss ways of coping with sad times, grieving times. I’ll let them help many get through the time of year that brings joy and sadness. Then let’s […]

Dec. 2: Moving Towards Assimilation; Prisons or Schools? Your Child and the Economy

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Let’s continue our brave examinations of America’s assimilation efforts and push towards strengthening prison systems and/or school systems. Then I’ll share some tips on how we can help our children cope with the economy.

Dec. 3: Spiritual Perspectives; Frankie May and Frankie Hogan (2pm)

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We’ll again explore eternal life from a biblical perspective as we examine the way to eternal life. Frankie May and Frankie Hogan: two ladies who will continue to help people make it through a time and season that brings great joy for some, sadness for others.

Dec. 4: Into the Future; Does the Wealth Gap Bother Americans? Jerry Turknett (2:30)

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It’s time to see more of what apps will enable us to do in the future then look into a subject that may be more complicated than meets the eye: how Americans are responding to the growing income inequality. I’ll continue my tradition of increasing empowerment through motivation as I play back a previous conversation […]

Dec. 5: Knowing the Web; Drugs; Making Your Relationship Beautiful

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Let’s start Power Friday out with some fun. What do you know about the web? After finding out, we’ll continue to see why we should shut down drug use and how we can beautify our intimate relationships.

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