Archive for October 2nd, 2017

Oct. 2: Choose Your Friends, Choose Your Moods? Sex & Pregnancy; Skin Cells

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Teens, can the friends you hang out with determine your moods and emotions? Couples, is it safe to have sexual intercourse while Mrs. is pregnant? How about soon after delivery? Did you know skin cells can be used to heal? Seg 1 Friends Seg 2 Friends Seg 3 Pregnancy Seg 4 Pregnancy, Skin Cells

Oct. 2: Choose Your Friends, Choose Your Moods? Sex & Pregnancy

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Teens, can your choice of friends affect your moods? Can sex be in play during pregnancy? How about soon after the baby is born?

Oct. 3: Sexual Satisfaction; Support for Americans hit by natural disasters

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Let’s continue to build our marriages. Anyone in the mood for making sexual fulfillment last the duration of your marriage? Later we’ll examine how our president does and does not really help Americans when natural disasters strike us.

Oct. 4: Why We Love

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Despite the fact that so many have hearts filled with hatred, including many who pretend to be followers of Christ, there are quite a few people who genuinely love God and His human race. Let’s revisit our previous discussion of why we love.

Oct. 5: Planes & Our Brains; Sexual Satisfaction

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Today we’ll continue two great ongoing discussions: the impact that plane rides can have on our brains and ways married couples can make sexual fulfillment part of a life of happiness.

Oct. 6: Patty Wipfler (1pm); Leading Effectively

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I’ll be speaking with Patty Wipfler about ways we can parent effectively even when our kids make parenting challenging. Patty will share some powerful principles from her book listen, Five Simple Tools to Meet Your Everyday Parenting challenges and talk about a new recording. Later we’ll gain more insights into making inner changes that can bring about more effective […]

Oct. 7: Teen Girls, what do you know about your breasts? Personalities of the Globe

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Finally I’m getting to our examination into what our teen girls know about your breasts. There are some developmental issues that can help with the maturing process! Also we’ll explore the globe for more national personalities

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