Archive for August 11th, 2014

August 11: Wade Randolph (1pm); Stacie N.C. Grant (2pm)

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Wade Randolph starts our week of motivational summer blasts from the past and will be followed by the dynamic Stacie N.C. Grant.

August 12: Allan McDougall (1pm); Dr. Valorie Parker (2pm)

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Allan McDougall knows what it means to be at the bottom and look up to rise up. Dr. Valorie Parker discusses working through pain to realize great gain.

August 13: Spiritual Perspectives; Laveita Williams (2pm)

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Is groaning always a bad thing? We’ll explore that during spiritual perspectives. Then we’ll hear from Laveita Williams as she shares her journey of pain and overcoming.

August 14: Dr. Tim Powell (1pm); DaCara Brown (2pm)

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Dr. Tim Powell will lead a discussion of first class high school choral singing along with two of the students who bring it to life. Then DaCara Brown will be joined by an associate who is reaching out to our young people in a powerful way.

August 15: Star Bobatoon (1pm); Candy Norris (2pm)

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Great motivation for Power Friday!

August 4: What Do We Think About Sports? What We’re Watching

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We’ll explore several topics today including what Americans think about sports, especially in light of a growing interest in soccer, and what we’re watching on our screens and what it means.

August 5: Which Religions Are Highly Favored? Federal Corporate Income Tax and Jobs

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Let’s focus on three things today: which religions are esteemed in America, whether reduction of federal corporate income tax leads to more jobs creation, and how parents can inspire our children.

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