Sept. 4: Dr. James Howell (1pm); Cassandra Morrow (2pm)

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Today will be a day for re-broadcasts but great conversation. Dr. James Howell is an expert on gangs and shares eye-opening information about this matter. Cassandra Morrow empowers and motivates us as she discusses her encouraging life story of dealing with challenge.

March 29: Blessings in Christ Jesus; Cassandra Morrow (2pm)

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Carl continues to clarify what it means to be in Christ Jesus and help better appreciate the blessings that come with that on this edition of Spiritual Perspectives. Cassandra Morrow shares an empowering account of how she has been living with Multiple Sclerosis.

March 16: Dr. Wally Evans and Dr. Doug Joiner (1:30); Cassandra Morrow (2pm); Quiz on the Capitols; Inspiration from the Authors

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Dr. Wally Evans, Professor of English, and Dr. Doug Joiner, Senior Lecturer in Communications, both at Augusta State University, join Carl to discuss an upcoming presentation that will include a discussion of the events surrounding Julius Caesar and applications to current world events. Cassandra Morrow joins Carl to discuss her journey in living with Multiple […]

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