Feb. 25: The Family that Eats Together; Mary Sumpter, Monica Cunningham (2pm)

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We’ve long heard that there are benefits for a family that prays together. What about the family that eats together? Mary Sumpter and Monica Cunningham are on a mission to help individuals and families recover from the pains that life so often brings. Find out more about this mission that you may want to get […]

Sept. 29: Flight of Tomorrow; Blockbuster and Netflix; Frances A. Outlaw (2pm)

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Will the aircraft of tomorrow be the same as that which we fly in today? Some big changes are underway. Will Blockbuster survive the wave of changes in the movie industry? Can they learn some lessons from Netflix? Frances A. Outlaw’s book, From Despair to Deliverance, Unveiling the Mask, is so powerful in its message […]

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