Sept. 19: Empowering Our Children with Resilience; Dr. Lucy Jo Palladino (2pm); Kate Dunaway (2:30)

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For Power Friday let’s get some more information on how we can help our children become more resilient. Then we start today’s blasts from the past with a previous conversation I had with Dr. Lucy Jo Palladino. She’ll help us distinguish between some of our students’ personality types so we can help them succeed academically. […]

June 25: Dr. Lucy Jo Palladino (1pm); Andy Henriquez (2pm)

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Dr. Palladino is a psychologist who knows how to empower parents to help their children get the most out of school. Andy Henriquez left his first dream job for the right dream job.

August 31: HIV Levels; Make Way for Academic Success

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What is the state of HIV levels with new medicines and mixed responses to recommendations for safe sex? Hear from a college student who discusses the way to transition from high school to college, then get some inspiring info. on how to let your brain work for you as we study on how to focus, […]

June 15: Strengthening our Children and more

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Get some great tips that work! Carl shares tips from Dr. Lucy Jo Palladino on how to help guide our children towards success. More for this Friday so have your thinking caps on.

Feb. 10: Inspiration from the Authors; More on Tribal Laws and US Law in Conflict; Dick Embry (2pm)

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Dr. Lucy Jo Palladino and Jacquelyn Whitmore are today’s featured authors for more insight and inspiration. Also hear more regarding the conflict of Native American law and the wider U.S. law. Dick Embry will discuss the important role amateur radio operators can play during emergencies. Are you interested in possibly joining them?

Jan. 19: Dr. Lucy Jo Palladino (1pm); Dealing with Bullies on the Job; Attitude vs Aptitude

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Dr. Lucy Jo Palladino opened our eyes and minds to doing a better job of focusing. She rejoins Carl to explain how to identify kids with the Edison Trait and how to help them achieve in school as she shares  insights contained in her book Dreamers, Discoverers and Dynamos: how to help the child who […]

Nov. 3: Dr. Lucy Jo Palladino (1pm); Dr. Chris Grant (1:30)

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Dr. Lucy Jo Palladino, renowned internationally for her expertise in helping people sharpen their focus, joins Carl to discuss principles addressed in her latest book, Your Focus Zone. Europe is a continent with a powerful history and an intriguing present and future. Dr. Chris Grant, professor of political science at Mercer University, will lend his […]

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