Nov. 14: Lisa Outlaw (1pm); Credit Reports; A Place for “Under God”?

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Lisa Outlaw, like a butterfly that has discovered its freedom, reviews her journey into freedom as she empowers listeners to unveil and fly as she discusses truths conveyed in her book From Despair to Deliverance: Unveiling the Mask. As we continue to wrestle with the ongoing recession, Carl shares some more vital information regarding credit. […]

Nov. 7: Lisa Outlaw (1pm); Women and the Throne

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Lisa Outlaw empowers us to take off the masks of pain and shame so we can live in greater freedom as she continues to discuss principles in her book From Deliverance to Despair, Unveiling the Mask. Will we be seeing more women on the thrones of Europe in the future?

Nov. 1: Teens, Adults and Sexting; Frances A. Outlaw (1:30); Joel Cruz (2pm)

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All that glitters…Carl continues to lead the community through a look at how the wrong use of our devices can entangle us in some uncomfortable webs. Frances A. Outlaw, a woman of great courage, continues to bring clarity on how we can step out of despair into freedom. For Joel Cruz, jazz saxophonist and vocalist, […]

Oct. 24: Our Nation’s Amazing Millenials; The Small Business Impact; Frances A. Outlaw (2pm)

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Personality, confidence, optimism. Millenials. Carl will continue his introduction to this amazing group. Small business has a tremendous impact in more ways than one. Frances A. Outlaw courageously reveals what she has unveiled en route to freedom.

Oct. 10: Improving Your Credit Rating; Dealing with Bank Fees; Frances A. Outlaw (2pm)

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Get some tips on what credit scores are considered good and how you can improve yours. Bank fees are going up and we haven’t been hearing about all of them. Find out how you may be able to save some of your hard-earned money. Frances A. Outlaw has truly pulled off the mask as she […]

Sept. 29: Flight of Tomorrow; Blockbuster and Netflix; Frances A. Outlaw (2pm)

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Will the aircraft of tomorrow be the same as that which we fly in today? Some big changes are underway. Will Blockbuster survive the wave of changes in the movie industry? Can they learn some lessons from Netflix? Frances A. Outlaw’s book, From Despair to Deliverance, Unveiling the Mask, is so powerful in its message […]

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