Jan. 25: Spiritual Perspectives – Deception, Pt. 3; Kathleen Day (1:30)

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Carl has described the beauty of the earth and its creatures before sin, specifically deception, became part of the mix. He’ll move to the change that took place immediately following the entrance of deception. Do the people support financial reform? Kathleen Day, of the Center for Responsible Lending, will answer this question for us.

Oct. 25: Kathleen Day (1pm); Healthcare for Our Kids; Getting the Jump on Alzheimer’s; Green Accountability

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Kathleen Day, of the Center for Responsible Lending, joins Carl to discuss the significance of financial reform and consumer finance protection and the impact they can have on America’s citizens. Fortunately, we still have adults fighting for the health of our kids. Ladies, there may be a way to deal with Alzheimer’s before it tries […]

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