Feb. 25: Dr. Walter McCray discusses black people in the bible

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Feb. 25: Power Friday

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We visit Ms. Terumi Echols, President and Publisher of InterVarsity Press (IVP), again as I speak with her about self-publishing vs. working with a publishing company and more. Next we’ll revisit my previous conversation with Dr. Walter McCray who discussed the presence of black people in the bible.

Feb. 28: Dr. Walter McCray (1pm); Spiritual Perspectives

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Dr. Walter McCray has gained  knowledge regarding the role of black people in the bible and he’ll share it with us. Who is God? We continue to learn about the Creator so we can answer that question.

Feb. 20: Rev. Dr. Walter McCray (1pm); Newsorite™

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Let’s start the week off by gaining valuable insights regarding the significant roles of black people in the bible, the world, as Dr. Walter McCray shares some of his findings discussed in his book The Black Presence in the Bible. Then let’s fly as we get some news from around the world!

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