Welcome to Speaking With . . .Carl Thornton, Jr.

Program Schedule

For all who like listening via radio, my program, Speaking With . . .™ Carl Thornton, Jr., airs 7 days a week: 1PM-2PM, Monday-Friday, and 1PM-3PM on Saturday’s and Sunday’s. I broadcast from WTHB, 1550AM, part of the Perry Broadcasting of Augusta family of stations. (Please disregard the outdated schedule on the right side bar – couldn’t figure out how to change it.)

Listen Online – At Your Convenience

It’s up and running and optimized for mobile phones – Convenience Listening! Although Live Stream is not active, You Can Now Listen to Broadcasts When You’re Ready! See the link labelled “Listen Online – At Your Convenience!” Hovering over this link will reveal the three, easy clicks that bring the programs to you. (Please disregard the “Listen Live” comment since it’s no longer active – couldn’t figure out how to modify the entry.)

Some Highlights of The Week’s Program

It’s time for “This Week in Song”! We’ll hear some great songs and artists. As always, more interesting information will be part of the mix, so be listening closely since Power Friday is quiz day.

Check out “This Week’s Guests and Topics”  for more.

You’ve come to the right program for variety and for information relevant to our lives. Some serious, some light-hearted, but, hopefully, all information you can use.

Notes of Clarification

When I load my web site, I occasionally get a message saying something to the effect of “A Word from Our Advertiser.” Please note that I have not arranged for any messages from any advertisers to communicate via my site. I never proceed in reading the “message.”

Also it’s so interesting that so many of us have “twins” who are not at all related to us. It’s also interesting that there can be a number of people who have the same name, first and last, even with similar suffixes (e.g., Jr….). I’ve been told by a number of people that they’ve seen my twin (although I don’t really have one) and I have definitely seen my same name (including the suffix “Jr.”) numerous times  attached to other people although I’ve never met any of them. Fortunately, we have not shared the same history, especially with regards to legal matters. I have a clean record and will continue to strive to keep it clean. Have you heard whether you have a twin or do you share a name with someone you’ve never met?

Celebrating Diversity While Promoting Harmony ™

This phrase addresses my passion for empowering people of different races, age groups, genders… to examine our positions regarding these and other relationships and embrace ways of overcoming barriers to these relations. The goal is to encourage the embracing of one another regardless of differences.

Building the Individual, the Family, the Community™

This is something that you’ll hear Carl reference frequently because whether the discussion centers on domestic violence and how to overcome its traumatizing effects, teen dating violence and how to resolve it, motivational/inspirational speakers who inspire us to greatness, business matters, health matters, overcoming racial divides or the numerous other topics that you hear on Speaking With…™ Carl Thornton, Jr., the overarching goal is to build us, to help us become better, as individuals, families, and community, whether the local, state, national or global community.

Let Some of Life’s Best Moments Come Through You ™

This statement sums up my desire to encourage people to examine their relationships in the context of striving to have something beneficial come into the lives of others as a result of the relationship. Husbands and wives can improve their relationship if the husband remembers to continually look out for the best interest of his wife and vice versa rather than each looking out only for his/her own best interest. If their children also practice relating to their siblings and parents motivated by this same objective, that family environment will be much more pleasant for all of them. The family will be stronger. The same can be true in places of worship and on the job site. So I end most of my programs with this line of encouragement.

Life gets complicated at times and, without doubt, there will be people who will choose not to engage even in the noblest of endeavors. However, I believe that for the people who can and will benefit by pursuing these objectives and, ultimately, improve their relationships (and their environments), our effort is well worth it.

Your “voices” are valuable so join our conversations on this site by visiting the  blog and responding to something you heard on the show or posting a topic you’d like others to pursue and by calling in during broadcasts. Share your insights and ask your questions as we all grow and help our families and communities grow.

Contact Information

Feel free to contact me at: 706-825-0255 or CarlThornton@SpeakingWith.com

Copyright 2023