Archive for March, 2010
March 29:Newsorite ™ (1pm); Health Care Reform: What are the benefits and when do they kick in? (2pm)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on March 29:Newsorite ™ (1pm); Health Care Reform: What are the benefits and when do they kick in? (2pm)Time to get news from around the world! The health care reform bill signed into law by President Obama has a lot of benefits. Who gets what and when?
March 30: The Pledge of Allegiance and Unity (1pm); Cynthia Zeldin (2pm)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on March 30: The Pledge of Allegiance and Unity (1pm); Cynthia Zeldin (2pm)Several months ago, Carl began looking at one of the most popular and most-often recited writings in America, The Pledge of Allegiance, and posing several related questions: has our nation been truly united historically, is it truly united now and can we expect the nation to be united in the future? In the face of hostile opposition […]
March 31: Dean Marc Miller (1pm); Spiritual Perspectives (2pm)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on March 31: Dean Marc Miller (1pm); Spiritual Perspectives (2pm)Dr. Marc Miller is dean of the outstanding business program at Augusta State University and teaches internet marketing. Find out how you can improve your business. Carl continues with the series Understanding the Journey, an examination of how we deal with the pleasant and unpleasant twists and turns in life from a biblical perspective.
April 1: Corey Washington (1pm); Newsorite™ (2pm)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on April 1: Corey Washington (1pm); Newsorite™ (2pm)Corey Washington wijoin Carl to discuss his book, Plain Talk 2010, wherein he conveys his thoughts about race, racism and the need for self-examination. Tom Burrell, noted advertising executive and author, joins Carl to continue his discussion of the power of images in cultivating and combating racial stereotypes. His new book, Brainwashed: Challenging the Myth of […]
April 2: Elida Perez-Knapp (1pm); Student Loan and Education Reform (1:30pm); Alvin and Barbara Franklin (2pm)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on April 2: Elida Perez-Knapp (1pm); Student Loan and Education Reform (1:30pm); Alvin and Barbara Franklin (2pm)Elida Perez-Knapp is with the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Can illegal immigrants complete the Census 2010 form? Should they? Listen in as we discuss the importance of the Hispanic community completing the form that will pay off for the next 10 years. Who benefits when Americans obtain a college education? We’ll look at this and […]
Note: Due to computer problems, some of the information regarding January’s postings has been lost. The following gives a great overview, though, of the great discussions that took place the first month of this pivotal year.
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on Note: Due to computer problems, some of the information regarding January’s postings has been lost. The following gives a great overview, though, of the great discussions that took place the first month of this pivotal year.Jan. 4th: Will Power, Global Warming, Stressed Students
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on Jan. 4th: Will Power, Global Warming, Stressed StudentsIs will power enough to help us accomplish goals, such as keeping a New Year’s resolution? Carl explores this $54,000 question. What is the impact of global warming now and what can we expect its impact to be years now? Find out what the experts are predicting. It’s important that our children excel but can […]