About Speaking With…™ Carl Thornton, Jr.
In 2005, motivated by a powerful sense of Mission and an Entrepreneurial spirit, I launched my own talk show, Speaking With…™ Carl Thornton, Jr. The program moved to WTHB 1550AM, part of the five-member family of stations of Perry Broadcasting of Augusta, in February 2008. My goal was and remains to build us as individuals, family and community. I often use encouragement and inspiration to empower the Speaking With…™ community to reach for positive goals such as improving relationships, pursuing their destinies and more. But I also challenge listeners to honestly and courageously examine their attitudes and dispositions regarding approaches to political issues and more: all for the purpose of helping us improve our thinking and approaches to other people and work to improve life for as many as possible.
As I move towards accomplishing the mission, I have the honor of hosting guests from many walks of life so whether you’re interested in hearing conversations with musicians, authors or economists, local and renowned, you’ve come to the right place for clarity and fun. Some of the guests I’ve hosted include: Shawn Callaway who shared insights on living life after losing sight; Maria Schneider, award-winning composer and musician; Elaine Lalanne, wife of the late father of fitness, Jack Lalanne; Jacqueline Whitmore, internationally renowned expert in business etiquette who greatly inspired and informed us from her latest book Poised for Success, Mastering the 4 Qualities That Distinguish Outstanding Professionals; Lisa Outlaw who shared her powerful story of journeying from despair to a life of hope and fulfillment; internationally renowned psychologist, Dr. Lucy Jo Palladino who shared powerful truths from her book Finding Your Focus Zone; Dr. Chris Grant who discussed the current European economic crisis and why it matters to the world, including the U.S.A, and many more (see the Archives for a more complete listing of previous guests).
Speaking With…™ Carl Thornton, Jr. is broadcast from WTHB 1550AM, one of 5 stations included under the umbrella of Perry Broadcasting of Augusta, and streams live from my website.
Check out “This Week’s Shows” to see who my upcoming guests are and “Archives” for a more complete list of my previous guests and join me often as I encourage and empower people to let some of life’s best moments come through each of us.