Archive for July, 2013
July 29: Cook-outs for Your Health; Viewing Business and Labor; Ready to Buy a HDTV?
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on July 29: Cook-outs for Your Health; Viewing Business and Labor; Ready to Buy a HDTV?You can grill healthy. I’ll tell you how. I’ll also share more on America’s views of business and labor. Then I’ll give you some tips on buying a high definition TV.
July 30: Exploring Vegetarianism; Pregnant Moms Caring for Unborn Babies; Dr. Shelia Dugan (2pm)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on July 30: Exploring Vegetarianism; Pregnant Moms Caring for Unborn Babies; Dr. Shelia Dugan (2pm)Have you been wondering what vegetarianism is about? Here’s your chance to find out. And pregnant moms and moms-to-be can find out how to take of baby before he/she is born. Dr. Shelia Dugan has been providing outstanding care and information regarding women’s health and rehabilitation. I’ll re-broadcast our previous discussion
August 31: The Truth About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Sharn Vericella (1:30); Spiritual Perspectives
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on August 31: The Truth About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Sharn Vericella (1:30); Spiritual PerspectivesIn addition to finding what’s real and what’s not when it comes to carpal tunnel syndrome, we’ll get more information about the world of sports when Sharn Vericella joins me. Then I’ll help us learn how we can join God in properly shaping our hearts.
August 1: Into the Future; What About Dreams? The Power of the Minimum Wage
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on August 1: Into the Future; What About Dreams? The Power of the Minimum WageLet’s see what else the futurists are planning for our future. Then let’s look into dreams. What are they about any way? Finally, let’s find out why we can rejoice when the minimum wage is fair.
August 2: Vacationing in Healthy Waters; Repositioning Your Brand; Tawanna Williams (2pm)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on August 2: Vacationing in Healthy Waters; Repositioning Your Brand; Tawanna Williams (2pm)Find out where the healthier waters are before you head to the beach then find out how to reposition your brand. Then hear Tawanna Williams, born without arms she has plenty of power to inspire!
July 22: Myra Frye (1:30); Dealing with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on July 22: Myra Frye (1:30); Dealing with Carpal Tunnel SyndromeMyra Frye helps T. Wayne the Builder as he builds across America. She’ll tell us about a recent building expedition that brought them from two different parts of the country. We’ll also deal with carpal tunnel syndrome among other topics.
July 23: Cutting out Food Assistance; Exercise and Sleep; Air Pollution vs Our Health
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on July 23: Cutting out Food Assistance; Exercise and Sleep; Air Pollution vs Our HealthIs it really a good idea to cut out food support to American families? Let’s look into it with open hearts. Then find out if exercise can help insomniacs and whether pollution is harmful to our health or not a factor at all.