Archive for October, 2008
October 6 – Nancy Bookhart and Jeffrey Jones (2nd hour)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on October 6 – Nancy Bookhart and Jeffrey Jones (2nd hour)Paine College is reaching out to the community in a bigger way than in recent memory and Nancy Bookhart and Jeffrey Jones are helping with that outreach. They’ll be joining me Monday to discuss the school’s annual Conference on the Harlem Renaissance.
October 7 – Dan Hillman (2nd hour)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on October 7 – Dan Hillman (2nd hour)Although it might not seem like it at times, children are very precious people. Dan Hillman is Executive Director of Child Enrichment, Inc. He’ll discuss the sometimes violent and neglectful world our children live in and ways that life is being made better for them.
October 8 – Bridgett Williams and Trent Butler (1st hour); Roberton Williams (2nd hour)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on October 8 – Bridgett Williams and Trent Butler (1st hour); Roberton Williams (2nd hour)They’re two of the Central Savannah River Area’s exciting co-anchors. Bridgett Williams and Trent Butler, of WAGT, TV 26, will join us and discuss their lives as well as the joys and challenges of their careers. The Tax Policy Center is a non-partisan organization that conducts indepth studies of matters relating to the economy and taxes. Roberton Williams is […]
October 9- John Demyan (1st hour); Jeff Fehrman (2nd hour)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on October 9- John Demyan (1st hour); Jeff Fehrman (2nd hour)John Demyan is an accountant who Jeff Fehrman likes to consult when dealing with financial planning. John will return to help us make sense of what’s happening in the world of taxes and give us some tips on how we can shape our own tax worlds in this economy. Jeff Fehrman is a Top 50 Financial […]
October 10 – Dr. Charley Meyer (2nd hour)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on October 10 – Dr. Charley Meyer (2nd hour)Dr. Charley Meyer is recognized in the field of mental health and will be discussing problems in this area. Still trying to help people recognize that help for the mind is just as necessary and legitimate as help for the body.
October 11 – Patray Morris
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on October 11 – Patray MorrisA good education is still critical to helping many live a good quality of life. Patray Morris will be discussing steps being taken to make a real difference in helping our young people receive good education.