Nov. 25, Hour 2: Dr. J. P. Barfield shares insights on young athletes and burnout

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March 30: Pay the athletes – men and women?

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Let’s debate whether to pay college athletes. Let’s make sure we include our female athletes in the discussion.

Dec. 28: Women in sports; Sharkie Zartman (2pm)

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Let’s see how women are excelling in the world of sports. Then let’s follow up with a re-broadcast of my conversation with world-class athlete and coach Sharkie Zartman.

Feb. 26 – Nutrition for Athletes (1st hour); Don Snell (2nd hour)

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Whether male or female, athletes want to know what nutrition habits can help them perform at their peak. Carl will discuss some of the latest findings regarding nutrition tips in the first hour. Towards the end of the previous decade it was determined that the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) had to make some major […]

Are the younger and older able to come together?

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There are quite a few matters of diversity and, as we know, not all center around race. One of the big battles of the day centers around age. We hear many stories of the ongoing conflict between the younger and older generations. On job sites, many older supervisors talk about the difficulty in getting younger […]

Jan. 23 – Scott Winkler, Jeffrey Snover (1st hour); Carl Thornton, Jr. (2nd hour)

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Scott Winkler, one of the world’ great paralympic athletes, and Jeffrey Snover, both of whom have been handicapped by injuries, will join Carl again to discuss how to become a champion made from adversity. Carl will be discussing a topic (TBA) that is relevant to our lives.

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