Jan. 7 – Shante Johnson (1st hour); Spiritual Perspectives (2nd hour)

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Shante Johnson will join Carl again to further discuss some alternative health care approaches. Carl has had several discussions about transitioning into the new year. In the second hour, Carl will help enter this new era as he discusses the transition from a spiritual perspective. The discussion will be based on readings from Deuteronomy.

Jan. 8 – Jeff Fehrman (1st hour); Spiritual Perspectives (2nd hour)

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Jeff Fehrman will join Carl again to discuss investment strategy. During the second hour, Carl will continue to discuss transitions from a spiritual perspective based on Deuteronomy.

Jan. 9 – Darryl Knight (1st hour); Spiritual Perspectives (2nd hour)

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Carl plans to talk about medicare coverage with insurance agent, Darryl Knight. Carl will conclude his discussion of Deuteronomy Chapter 8 as he walks the listener through effectively transitioning into a new era.

Jan. 14 – Spiritual Perspectives (1st hour); TBA – (2nd hour)

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Carl will begin discussion of effective transitioning as based on a look at the 29th Chapter of Deuteronomy. The conversation will include a focus on instructions pertaining to what to do and what not to do when making a change, especially significant life changes.

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