Sept. 25: Jubba (1pm); Matt Aiken (2pm)

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Jubba continues to expand his audience as he wins award nominations as he shares powerful songs that help us connect with our Creator. He’ll talk about his songs and his expanding enterprise. Helping you make informed decisions. Carl will speak with Mr. Matt Aiken, candidate for the District 1 seat in Augusta-Richmond County.

November 10 – Jerry Gonzales

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Jerry Gonzales is the Executive Director of Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials. He’ll talk with Carl about the concerns of many within the Hispanic community regarding this year’s elections and his organization’s role in ensuring that the Hispanic community has their voting rights preserved and enforced.

September 29 – Freya Williams (2nd hour)

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Ms. Williams is an expert in technology and teaches at the University of Phoenix. She also has a passion for helping people connect to values that help us make well-informed decisions before voting. Tap into her wealth of knowledge about this subject.

September 15 Helen Butler (1st hour); Ellis Johnson (2nd hour)

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Today we’ll discuss some important matters regarding voter protections. Helen Butler is a representative of the Georgia Coalition for the People’s Agenda, an organization founded by Dr. Lowery. Ellis Johnson is a musician who lead the Augusta Chorale for 20 years. He plays several instruments and has an interest in the arts in general. He’ll […]

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