Aug. 23: Spiritual Perspectives; Fighting Pollution and Polluters
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on Aug. 23: Spiritual Perspectives; Fighting Pollution and PollutersOur next discussion of leadership focuses on leaders that people love to follow: true prophets and false prophets. Later let’s see how communities can fight polluters and the pollution they spread.
May 23, Hour 1: Air pollution, environmental injustice, and COVID-19
Listen Online - At Your Convenience!| Comments Off on May 23, Hour 1: Air pollution, environmental injustice, and COVID-19May 23: Air pollution, environmental injustice, and COVID-19; Nursing Power
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on May 23: Air pollution, environmental injustice, and COVID-19; Nursing PowerWhen it comes to air pollution, environmental injustice, and COVID-19, no wonder the poor and people of color have it especially rough. Nurses are critical to our health. The profession has its rewards, too.
Feb. 8: Evidence of climate change; Impact of environmental racism accidental?
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on Feb. 8: Evidence of climate change; Impact of environmental racism accidental?We still have some claiming that climate change discussions are a hoax. Let’s look at the evidence for climate change. Environmental racism is prevalent. Is it accidental?
Scotty Inman; Environmental Justice – June 8, 2016
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on Scotty Inman; Environmental Justice – June 8, 2016Enjoy my conversation with Scotty Inman, a member of the award-winning southern gospel group, Triumphant. Then let’s learn more about the significance of environmental justice. seg-1-scotty-inman seg-2-scotty-inman seg-3-env-justice seg-4-env-justice
Into the Future; Environmental Justice – June 2, 2016
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on Into the Future; Environmental Justice – June 2, 2016Into the Future focuses on plans for helicopters that will carry a lot of people. Environmental Justice will take us inside the role all ethnicities have been playing in caring for our environment and our health. seg-1-future-helicopters seg-2-future-helicopters seg-3-environmental-justice seg-4-environmental-justice
June 2: Into the Future; Environmental Justice
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on June 2: Into the Future; Environmental JusticeOur look into the future will focus on helicopters for more of us. Then we’ll examine the very important and ongoing struggle for environmental justice.