August 22: Obama Care and Insurance Options; The Importance of Our Air; Abortion and Morality
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on August 22: Obama Care and Insurance Options; The Importance of Our Air; Abortion and MoralityLet’s journey together through insurance options under the Affordable Care Act; the impact that our air has on our lives and health, good and bad; and how Americans connect morality and abortion.
March 11: Public vs Private: the Compensation Factor (1pm); Insurance (1:30); Barbara and Alvin Franklin (2pm)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on March 11: Public vs Private: the Compensation Factor (1pm); Insurance (1:30); Barbara and Alvin Franklin (2pm)Carl continues to explore the reality of the claim that public sector employee compensation is higher than that of their private sector counterparts. Do you have the right amount of insurance? What do you do when the right one suddenly seems to be the wrong one?
Jan. 9 – Darryl Knight (1st hour); Spiritual Perspectives (2nd hour)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on Jan. 9 – Darryl Knight (1st hour); Spiritual Perspectives (2nd hour)Carl plans to talk about medicare coverage with insurance agent, Darryl Knight. Carl will conclude his discussion of Deuteronomy Chapter 8 as he walks the listener through effectively transitioning into a new era.
Oct. 30 – Elise Shore (1st hour); JyNelle Handy (2nd hour)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on Oct. 30 – Elise Shore (1st hour); JyNelle Handy (2nd hour)Elise Shore is an attorney who has served with the U.S. Justice Department and now serves with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund. She will discuss voter protections. JyNelle Handy is an insurance representative. She’ll help us gain a better understanding of ways in which to select the policy that is right for us.