June 17: Jerry Gonzales (1st hour); Chris Goss and Family (2nd hour)

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Jerry Gonzales is working diligently as Executive Director of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO) and will discuss several items of interest to the Latino and broader communities, including reform immigration and the critical 2010 Census. Chris Goss was not supposed to be able to handle college courses. Unwilling to accept that news, […]

Nov. 24 – Kathy Tuckey & Pam Lightsey(1st hour); John Trasvina (2nd hour)

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There are a number of organizations around the world that do a lot of good for many people. Kathy Tuckey and Pam Lightsey will tell us about some of the great works being done by the Rotary organization on the local, national and international levels. John Trasvina is President and General Counsel of the Mexican American […]

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