Dec. 27: Russell M. Perry

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Highly regarded in the business world in general and in the broadcast industry in particular, Russell M. Perry, President and CEO of Perry Publishing and Broadcasting, joins Carl to discuss the year in review with particular attention to Perry Broadcasting of Augusta.

Dec. 15: Christmas Perspectives (1pm); Harold Wright (2pm); Pastor Angela Harden and Todd Flakes (2:30)

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Carl guides everyone through a look at some of Christ Jesus’ earliest involvement with man to His coming return. Harold Wright is a local businessman who recently visited Russell M. Perry, a very successful businessmen from Oklahoma who is also President and CEO of Perry Broadcasting of Augusta. The two have developed a strong friendship. […]

March 25: St. Jude Children’s Hospital Radiothon

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A dream come true. Carl has been fascinated by St. Jude Children’s Hospital since high school and now has the opportunity to serve by participating in the organization’s second annual radiothon that includes Perry Broadcasting of Augusta. Through a simulcast, the radiothon will be heard on Carl’s usual venues, WTHB 1550AM and via live stream […]

October 3- Russell M. Perry

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Russell M. Perry is a fascinating man who owns more than 10 radio stations, including the 5-station cluster in North Augusta, S.C., a TV station, publishing company and more. He serves on a regional federal reserve board. He has experienced challenges and success and will be sharing his story with us during a candid interview […]

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