July 19: Zee Zee Wright and John Beveridge on Zee Zee’s new play; More Fun Time!

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July 19: More on Fun time – a lot of the time! John Beveridge (1:30)

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Let’s find out more about how some cities overseas are making their cities fun and family-friendly. I’ll be speaking with John Beveridge about an upcoming play and some associated events many will want to attend.

Oct. 21: Zee Zee Wright & John Beveridge on Plays and Awards (1pm); Steven Murphy discusses former drug lord, Pablo Escobar

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June 12: The Power of Aerobics; Zee Zee Wright discusses dreams and a new play (1:30)

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Feb. 20: Mary Sumter (1pm)

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Mary Sumter has been writing life-changing plays for several years. She and members of her cast will speak with me about another upcoming play as well as their acting careers.

June 7: Mary Sumter (1pm)

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Mary Sumter keeps bringing powerful messages about the real world. I’ll speak with her about her latest play that is sure to keep us on the edge again.

Nov. 9: Valuing Immigrants; Teens and Concussions; Mary Sumter (2pm)

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We are all significant; we’ve been made in the image of our Creator. Let’s focus on immigrants. Then I’ll continue our discussion of concussions and their impact on our teens. Mary Sumter rejoins me to discuss the world of entertainment. The focus will be on acting and her upcoming play.

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