July 20: Awesome child prodigies: hear the music! Can a guaranteed basic income resolve our poverty issues?

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Oct. 7, Hour 2: Women in Leadership; The church and poverty

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Sept. 11: Funding Our Schools; Unemployment Benefits, Government Employment and Poverty; ESPN’S Top Teams

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Is state funding capability for schools improving? What’s the connection between unemployment benefits, government jobs and poverty? ESPN has some great criteria for ranking professional teams. Find out who’s on top and why.

Sept. 21: Recession and Response (1pm); Poverty in America (2pm)

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Carl continues to walk through the recession and the responses to it from the perspective of nonpartisan experts who have evaluated the situation. The recession that began several years ago has thrown many Americans into poverty. Carl takes a look at the growing problem.

Nov. 4: Al Jones (1pm); Racism (1:45); Spiritual Perspectives (2pm)

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The need for assistance, food, clothes, shelter…is tremendous. Al Jones will talk about the effort his church is putting forth to help provide these life essentials, especially as we approach the holiday season. How is racism different from prejudice? Why do so many in our country persist in racist attitudes and behaviors? Listen in for […]

November 11 – Faye Lawson (1st hour); Samantha Briggs and Aleca Brooks followed by Larry Posey (2nd hour)

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Faye Lawson will share her compelling story about her life as a battered wife and share some insights about the impact of domestic violence on the children. The Southern Poverty Law Center has distinguished itself as one of the nation’s premiere organizations which monitors hate crimes and the groups that perpetrate them. They have also […]

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