November 10 – Jerry Gonzales

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Jerry Gonzales is the Executive Director of Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials. He’ll talk with Carl about the concerns of many within the Hispanic community regarding this year’s elections and his organization’s role in ensuring that the Hispanic community has their voting rights preserved and enforced.

Oct. 30 – Elise Shore (1st hour); JyNelle Handy (2nd hour)

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Elise Shore is an attorney who has served with the U.S. Justice Department and now serves with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund. She will discuss voter protections. JyNelle Handy is an insurance representative. She’ll help us gain a better understanding of ways in which to select the policy that is right for us.

September 22 – Elise Shore (1st hour); Political Discussion (2nd hour)

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The phone lines will be open both hours. Elise Shore will discuss election protection and voting rights. She’s an attorney who has served with the Justice Department and is now assisting the public through her work with MALDEF, The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund. In the second hour, we’ll remain on the topic of […]

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