April 30: Diaon Lynette talks about her CD and her ministry

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Dec. 23: Dr. Caroline DiBattisto (1pm); Beth Spangler (1:30); Trish Luna-Dialva (2pm)

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We have three ladies who are going to get us going. Dr. Caroline DiBattisto shares some very helpful tips on working with children with autism. Then we’ll hear the great voice of Beth Spangler, contestant on The Voice. Trish Luna-Dialva will keep us going as we revisit her powerful message of inspiration.

August 26: Spiritual Perspectives (1pm); Dr. Gary Hines (2pm)

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Follow with Carl as he discusses another topic from a biblical perspective. The Sounds of Blackness have been giving us great music for years, including such songs as Optimistic. Dr. Gary Hines is the founder of this phenomenal group and he’ll talk about the key to producing the songs that keep people of various cultures […]

Nov. 28 – Jonathan Butler; Laverne Gold and Rina Powell (1st hour); Russell M. Perry (2nd hour)

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Jonathan Butler is a renowned guitarist and vocalist who was born and raised in South Africa and now lives in America. He’ll discuss some of the similarities and differences regarding race relations in the two countries. He’ll also talk about his music career. Laverne Gold and Rina Powell will continue Carl’s focus on Building Community […]

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