July 21, Hour 2: The power of religion, Pt. 8

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July 28: Spiritual Perspectives; The power of religion, Pt. 9

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Part 36 of The Permanence of Salvation takes us further into Covenant Relations (Part 5) and its relevance to remaining in right standing with God. Part 9 of The power of religion further explores the interplay between religion, politics and economics with a focus on the role religion will play in the near future.

July 21, Hour 1: The Permanence of Salvation, Pt. 35 – Covenant Relation, Pt. 4

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July 20, Hour 2: The Permanence of Salvation, Pt. 34 – Covenant Relations, Pt. 3

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July 18: The power of religion, Pt. 8

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July 21: Spiritual Perspectives; The power of religion, Pt. 8

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The Permanence of Salvation, Pt. 35 – Covenant Relation, Pt. 4 helps us further see the connection between covenant relation and working out our salvation. Part 8 of The power of religion takes us further into how religion will be used to impact society in coming years.

July 14: Spiritual Perspectives; Melrose York and Rev. Greg Hatfield (2pm)

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What are your thoughts about the once saved, always saved doctrine at this point? Part 34 takes us into our 3rd discussion of the relevance of covenant relations. Ms. York and Rev. Hatfield empower us to cope with loss.

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