March 4: Henry Armstrong, III (1pm); Tom Burrell (2pm)
Cats: This Week's Guests and Topics|The Census questionaire is a simple form that carries a lot of power. This year it will help officials determine how to distribute $400 billion of federal funding across the nation. Henry Armstrong, III is a U.S. Census Partnership Specialist who will dispel myths about the questionaire and explain the importance of completing and submitting the form so that we can all be counted in 2010 and receive our proper share of the financial pie for years to come.
Tom Burrell is a legendary advertising executive. He founded Burrell Communications, Inc. and helped revolutionize the advertising industry as he made the case for more inclusion of people of color and marketing correctly to the Black community. He’ll discuss his career and his latest book, Brainwashed: Challenging the Myth of Black Inferiority.