May 10: Sports Update (1pm); Dr. David Bodde (1:30); Oil Spills and Alternative Energy (2pm)
Cats: This Week's Guests and Topics|Let’s look at what’s happening with the NBA playoffs. Is your team disappointing you or making you happy?
Dr. David Bodde is helping to guide us into the brave, new world of alternative energy with particular regard to the automotive industry. Dr. Bodde is Senior Fellow and Professor at the Arthur M. Spiro Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership at Clemson University. He researches, teaches and consults and will share some exciting insights about automotive efficiency.
Are oil spills fairly rare occurrences? Do we need to be concerned about the impact of spills? Does the most recently highlighted oil spill serve as a major wakeup call to move with all deliberate speed towards safer, healthier more efficient energy? Carl will explore this critical topic.