Nov. 10: Helping Our Children with ADD/ADHD; Prisons or Schools? Forgiving Ourselves; Dr. Azadeh Aalia (2pm)
Cats: This Week's Guests and Topics|Our children have challenges in the best of circumstances. When they also have to deal with ADD/ADHD it can seem like the odds are really against them so I’ll share some ways that we can help them succeed in school. Speaking of school, which do you prefer: great prison systems or great educational systems? Let’s explore this and, later, the freedom that comes with forgiving ourselves.
Dr. Azadeh Aalai is a social psychologist who does great work in many areas including racial inequalities. She is Assistant Professor of Psychology at Queensborough community college in New York and she’ll shed light on the special impact that income inequality and the criminal justice system inequities have on peoples of color.