Archive for November, 2014

Nov. 14: The Power of Curiosity; Born Rich? Dr. Leslie Martin (2pm)

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Let’s see more about curiosity as a force of power for life. Then we’ll check out some men and women who weren’t all born rich but they’re doing well now! A while back, Dr. Leslie Warren, co-author of The Longevity Project, shared some tremendous insights as to how we can live longer. I’ll let you […]

Nov. 3: Happiness As A Lifestyle; Prisons or Schools? Forgiving Ourselves

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How are we doing at building happiness into our lives? Which do you prefer: a stronger prison system or a stronger educational system? After we delve into these topics, let’s resume the sometimes challenging business of forgiving ourselves.

Nov. 4: America’s Healthcare Ranking; Resilient Children; Moving Towards Assimilation (?)

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Where does America rank with regards to healthcare access among developed nations? Let’s continue to build our children into more resilient people. Finally, has America truly achieved assimilation? If not, are we on our way towards it?

Nov. 5: Spiritual Perspectives; Women and Entrepreneurship; Developmental Stages

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Join me for another walk through passages of biblical relevance to how we live. Then find out where women are with regards to entrepreneurship. Next we’ll continue our journey through the developmental stages of our children.

Nov. 6: Into the Future; The Power of DNA

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In addition to looking into the future, let’s also explore the role DNA plays in our choice of friends.

Nov. 7: Yvonne Carroll (1pm); The Power of Curiosity

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Yvonne Carroll is an attorney and Registered Nurse who  shared some great insights regarding St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, treatment for sickle cell anemia and more. I’ll let you hear our previous conversation. Then  we’ll see what curiosity can do for us.

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