Archive for November 29th, 2020

Nov. 30: Teen guys, how about your grooming habits? Pt. 2

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We get a chance to pick up on more of the tips that can help teen guys groom well. Be ready for the quiz!

Dec. 1: Heading towards the run-off

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As we get closer to Georgia’s January run-off, what are your thoughts about the on-going efforts to taint the 2020 presidential election process? Does it bode well for future elections? What does it say about America?

Dec. 2: Frankie & Frankie

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Re-broadcast from this previous Sunday.

Dec. 3: Caitlin Highland (1pm); Home for the Holidays?

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Caitlin Highland is Communications Director at Georgia Budget and Policy Institute. I will speak with her about a survey that most Georgians want our elected officials to place priority on Georgia’s people. Later we’ll see what’s planned for the coronavirus holidays.

Dec. 4: Power Friday

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It’s time for more motivation as we check out some great achievements by two major achievers, one of whom is former President Barak Obama.

Dec. 5: Packing the U.S. Supreme Court; One nation deeply divided

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Is there any virtue behind packing the U.S. Supreme Court? After exploring this question, let’s look into the theoretical unity of America.

Dec. 6: Spiritual Perspectives; Stress: Your parents arguing

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Let’s look further into the problems with Following Deceptions and Lies (Pt. 2). Then let’s try to discover what can be done when parents argue.

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