Dec. 15, Hour 1: Dr. Stephanie Brown walks us through living as adult children of alcoholics; Jenny Hinton inspires us to make our counties green and beautiful

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Dec. 16: Edwin G. Hamilton (1pm); Dr. Stephanie Brown (2pm); Jenny Hinton (2:30)

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Edwin G. Hamilton brings great conversation and music. Dr. Stephanie Brown  discusses the plight and hope for adult children of alcoholics. Jenny Hinton shares how recycling helps the environment.

Dec. 16, Hour 2: Dr. Stephanie Brown on Adult Children of Alcoholics; Jenny Hinton – The Environment

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Aug. 1: Dr. Stephanie Brown; Jenny Hinton

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Dr. Stephanie Brown shares some valuable insights regarding children of alcoholics.  Seg 1 Dr. Brown Seg 2 Dr. Brown Then Jenny Hinton discusses the care of our earth and the local economy. Seg 3 Jenny Hinton Seg 4 Jenny Hinton

Dec. 16: America’s Assimilation; Dr. Stephanie Brown (2pm); Jenny Hinton (2:30)

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After further exploring America’s assimilation challenges we’ll gather some information regarding drug dependence as Dr. Stephanie Brown shares her expertise. Later, Jenny Hinton will share her expertise on ecology and recycling.

July 14: Jenny Hinton (1pm); Aging Challenges (1:30pm); Slavery in the 21st Century (2pm)

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Jenny Hinton heads up the Columbia County Recycling Department. She’ll talk about sustainability and how recycling fits into the equation. There are some challenges common to aging. Carl discusses some ways of dealing with challenges of the mind. Past slavery  accounts evoke unpleasant responses from many people. How do we respond to current accounts of […]

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