Oct. 8: The Important Prostate; Supernatural Healing, Pt. 2

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The man’s prostate is important for health, including sexual health. Let’s explore this. Then let’s resume our examination of Americans’ views on supernatural healing.

June 15: Rob Martin, MD (1-1:30); The Male/Female Divide; Healthcare Reform

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On this segment of Health Matters, Carl will revisit a topic that is of importance to many, especially men (and, for married men, their wives). Have you guessed the topic yet? It’s all about the prostate. Dr. Martin will discuss this and the product Beta Prostate. This past Friday, Carl facilitated a conversation that centered […]

September 26 – Dr. James Brown (1st hour); Political Discussion (2nd hour)

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During the first hour, I’ll be speaking with distinguished scientist and physician James Brown, MD. Our focus will be prostate health and, along those lines, he will have a great recommendation for married couples. During the second hour, I’ll open the phone lines to a discussion about the role of race in this year’s presidential election.

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