April 13: Kim Overstreet (1pm); The Beauty of Oneness (2pm)

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Carl continues to  help build the community. Today he’s joined by Kim Overstreet who will talk about the popular Sacred Heart Festival and how the arts can be an integral part of community-building. In his ongoing passion for helping to build strong marriages and strong families, Carl will share valuable insights that can benefit those […]

February 5: Alvin and Barbara Franklin (1pm); Love without Walls (2pm)

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Real talk about how men and women relate to one another is what this gathering is all about. Alvin and Barbara Franklin, The Love Couple, join Carl to delve into jealousy, inconsistency and other “things” that get in the way of good relationships and how to overcome them so partners can truly value and enjoy each other. […]

Feb. 19 – Paul Zak, PhD (1st hour); Georgia State Capitol cont. (2nd hour)

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Paul Zak is leading the way in a phenomenal area: neuroeconomics. Having created this word to summarize one of his areas of specialization, Dr. Zak shows clear links between the brain and behavior. He’s a professor of economics, founding director of the the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University and professor of neurology at […]

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