July 30: Sun & the Earth; What do Americans value?
Listen Online - At Your Convenience!| Comments Off on July 30: Sun & the Earth; What do Americans value?June 2: Examining Political Values (1st hour); Honoring America’s Soldiers (2nd hour)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on June 2: Examining Political Values (1st hour); Honoring America’s Soldiers (2nd hour)There are many reasons that people embrace particular political values. To be associated with a particular group, to be loyal to a particular friend who’s affiliated with a specific party… Carl continues to open up a discussion of what shapes our political values and what may prompt some to change their values. On Memorial Day, […]
September 29 – Freya Williams (2nd hour)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on September 29 – Freya Williams (2nd hour)Ms. Williams is an expert in technology and teaches at the University of Phoenix. She also has a passion for helping people connect to values that help us make well-informed decisions before voting. Tap into her wealth of knowledge about this subject.