Archive for July 1st, 2018

July 2: A budget that builds America!

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Would the Republican budget proposal help build all of America or help bring much of America down?

July 3: Communication from a biblical perspective

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Sunday’s broadcast.

July 4: Happy Independence Day!

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We’re simulcasting with our sister station. 96.9FM, Your Praise & Inspiration Station.

July 5: The souls of hubots

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We’re still trying to determine whether Artificial Intelligence will ever have souls.

July 6: Commissioner Dennis Williams (1pm);The power of being real

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I’ll speak with Commissioner Dennis Williams who will help us gain a better grasp of challenges, successes and opportunities facing Augusta-Richmond County. Which do you enjoy more: being genuine or pretending to be who you’re not?

July 7: Is social media good for us? Darlene Lancer – Shedding light on the narcissist

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One of today’s topics will address the prevalence and benefits of social media. Are there benefits? Darlene Lancer has written Codependency for Dummies, Dealing with a Narcissist: 8 Steps to Raise Self-Esteem and Set Boundaries with Difficult  People among others. In addition she has counseled many individuals and families and is an internationally renowned speaker. […]

July 8: Spiritual Perspectives; Communication from a biblical perspective

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Let’s continue to explore the reasons peace needs to be pursued. Then let’s resume discussion of the connections between communicating with humans and communicating with God.

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