Archive for July 15th, 2018

July 16: Your brain & youthfulness; Help baby (and you) relax

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Is there a connection between your brain and your youthfulness? Getting your baby to relax can help you relax.

July 17: Humans vs Hubots; A budget that builds America

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In the years to come, will humans or hubots be given preferential treatment? Have you decided whether the Republican budget will build or damage the majority of Americans?

July 18: Paula G. (1pm)

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Paula G. is an Atlanta radio talk show host who explores the life journeys of her guests. I will speak with her about her findings as well as challenges and triumphs in her own journey.

July 19: Spiritual Perspectives on artificial intelligence

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What clues does the bible give us regarding the future of A.I.?

July 20: Should Power Naps be a way of life? Black women and business

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Power naps. How helpful are they: especially for babies? Women in general, black women in particular, is this the time to really delve into business ownership?

July 21: The Souls of A.I.; Body cams for law enforcement?

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We’re still determining whether hubots will ever have souls. We’re also trying to decide whether law enforcement officers should use body cameras.

July 22: Spiritual Perspectives; Let’s hear from America’s Muslims

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We’ll continue to explore the connection between God and our communications with Him; the focus will be the emotional connection. Is there a place for emotion when communicating with God? Then let’s hear from America’s Muslims again. Are our hearts and minds open to learning from them?

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