Archive for November 27th, 2022

Nov. 28: Dr. Karen Mason (1pm)

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Dr. Karen Mason can help us help prevent suicide.

Nov. 29: Teens: What about those amazing brains? Pt 4. Drinking less, Pt. 3

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Teens go through a lot of change during adolescence; we can help. There are concrete steps to take when changing drinking habits.

Nov. 30: Enjoy your holiday travels

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There are some simple, yet significant, ways to make the holiday travels more enjoyable.

Dec. 1: There’s more to sex, Pt. 1

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What is sex about? Is it just a physical act?

Dec. 2: Power Friday

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A previous sum of This Week in Song is up.

Dec. 3: Dr. Karen Mason (1pm); This week in Song

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Dr. Karen Mason shares invaluable insights on preventing suicide. Then we’ll listen again to a highlighted artist for This Week in Song.

Dec. 4: Spiritual Perspectives; Traveling

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Part 6 of The of the Prophet/Prophetess takes us into Revelation for the themes of the prophetic message. Then we’ll see how we can add enjoyment to our holiday travels.

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