Archive for September 1st, 2019

Sept. 2: Labor Day Celebration

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We’ll simulcast with our Sister Station, 96.9FM, Your Praise & Inspiration Station.

Sept. 3: Open

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Tune in to hear what the discussion will focus on today.

Sept. 4: Preparing for a new year, a new season

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The coming life season can bring significant change or more of the same; it largely depends on what we’re doing now.

Sept. 5: Into the Future

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Let’s bravely and peacefully continue our exploration of the possible outcomes of reduced gun ownership.

Sept. 6: Helping the black community overcome financially

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This week’s Power Friday leads us into a two-pronged discussion: the difficulty the black community has building wealth–even with college education, then a partnership that is helping to address the challenge.

Sept. 7: Be Yourself; Will we beat Alzheimer’s?

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Regardless of your gender and the color of your skin, you can be yourself and succeed. After we explore this topic, we’ll gain insights into possible ways to overcome Alzheimer’s in the future.

Sept. 8: Spiritual Perspectives; Considering birth control pill options

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We’ve been looking into the coming time of Release, Restoration, and Renewal. Let’s focus on restoration from the perspective of the prophet, Jeremiah. Later, we’ll move through our discussion of birth control pills – whether they should be offered over-the-counter.

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