Archive for July 31st, 2017

Aug. 1: Christine Miller-Betts (1pm)

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Ms. Christine Miller-Betts joins me to talk about the historic Lucy Craft Laney museum and upcoming events.

Aug. 2: Dr. Mark Thompson (1pm)

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Dr. Mark A. Thompson is the Associate Dean and Professor of the Hull College of Business at Augusta University. I will speak with him about the state of America’s healthcare and healthcare policy.

Aug. 3: Into the Future; Multi-racial America

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Let’s keep looking into the future of the earth’s land and how we humans will live on it. Let’s also continue to celebrate our multi-racial citizens.

Aug. 4: Leading Effectively; Soaring

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More tips on how to tap into knowledge of self in order to lead more effectively and how to use our mature (adult) brains to live better.

Aug. 5: The Brain after Menopause; Can You Have Sex During Pregnancy? Cybersecurity

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Three of today’s topics will take us through discussions of what’s happening with the woman’s brain during menopause, whether couples can have sex while the mother-to-be is pregnant, and what’s on the horizon regarding cyber-security.

Aug. 6: Spiritual Perspectives; Courage to do the Right Thing

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We continue our exploration of Salvation and our journey into the life of courage.

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