Archive for August 19th, 2019
Aug. 19: Sex & the Brain, Conclusion
Listen Online - At Your Convenience!| Comments Off on Aug. 19: Sex & the Brain, ConclusionAug. 19: Sex & the Brain
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on Aug. 19: Sex & the BrainLet’s further explore the connection between the brain and that fun, and gratifying activity that means so much to so many.
Aug. 20: Darlene Lancer (1pm)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on Aug. 20: Darlene Lancer (1pm)It can be hard to feel good about ourselves when many are constantly beating down on us. Darlene Lancer empowers us to develop healthy self-esteem any way.
Aug. 21: Communication Restored
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on Aug. 21: Communication RestoredThis is the previous Sunday’s wrap-up of the wonders of restored communication with our Creator.
Aug. 22: Into the Future
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on Aug. 22: Into the FutureDon’t let this topic scare or enrage you – What if we reduced gun ownership?
Aug. 23: The Power of Perseverance
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on Aug. 23: The Power of PerseveranceWe’re revisiting a discussion of a trait that can take us through the tough times–especially when they last, and last…
Aug. 24: Be Yourself; Crystal Smith (2pm)
This Week's Guests and Topics| Comments Off on Aug. 24: Be Yourself; Crystal Smith (2pm)Are you a white person? Are you a person of color? How about a woman of color? Do you need to change who you are in order to be successful? Crystal Smith tells how we can see (and appreciate) the beauty that’s in front of us.